Thursday, January 2, 2014


I actually love change and new beginnings so it is only natural that I always make new years resolutions.. But this year I found myself getting all wound up about just trying to make a list of all the things I want to work on.. So that sort of defeats the purpose, right? So I am not making any resolutions other than to work at living life on purpose. We don't get a second go at this life so I am going to continue to live out loud and on purpose and that's it! BOOM! HELLO 2014! Sherri

Wednesday, November 6, 2013


Lately I have not been able to sleep. It seems that I always have too much on my mind and I can't seem to quiet down. My kids are great but I do have a teenager now and he is also trying to get into a great high the pressures are high...all that along with work and life pressures. So almost every night I wake up around 4:00 staring at the ceiling. Trust me that really sucks because you really feel the pain when the lack of sleep starts to catch up to you later in the day. A good friend once told me that when insomnia hits, it is God trying to have a conversation with you. Well, I understood that and so I did a little praying. I think the lesson is that I just have to find a way to truly let go. I am an unfortunate ALPHA female and I am just wound way too tight. I really have to find time to release and enjoy this life. Now how does one go about doing that... Loooks like I will have to get back to you on that one... Sherri

Tuesday, November 5, 2013


Last Wednesday, I didn't sleep very well the night before and to make matters worse it was rainy and straight depressing when I woke. I think I was having so much trouble sleeping because it just seems like there is so much on my mind lately that I can't seem to quiet all the questions when I try to sleep. I think I read somewhere that when you can't sleep, God is trying to talk with you..probably true... So I went in to work feeling some kind of way and as I walked the few blocks to my office I noticed a blind man walking. Now, I have seen this man before but this is the first time he and I were walking in the same direction. Well, we end up at the same intersection and he asks me to help him cross. I said "of course" and the we struck up a conversation. He said his name was Murphy. He was kind and sweet and incredibly upbeat. All I kept thinking was "WOW you are walking around here sad and this man with all of his limitations, he still has a positive outlook." I think God sent Murphy to me as a reminder that I have so much to be grateful for and the GOD has all of this under control. Have a great day! Sherri

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Finding Time....

My life is so harried that I can never seem to find time to do the things I like..  Like writing this blog, reading books..

I seem to allow myself to be drifted into mindless nothingness...just wasted time.

So I have decided that I will come back to this blog if even for only a few seconds to just write something...anything to stay connected.

Developing patience with myself,


Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Grateful for another try...

So I have decided to try and resuscitate this blog... YET AGAIN.  I guess I allow myself to get to so caught up in life that I don't get around to using it.  Perhaps shorter posts...

Regardless, 2012 was a breakthrough year for me.  I am at a great job and my family is doing great.  So this year I hope to tie up the dangling ends...get finances in order, finish the household project and most importantly, enjoy life.

I actually like resolutions because they are an example of new beginnings and how things can improves.  Interesting thing, I checked last years resolutions and they are pretty much the same for this year:

1.  Lose 10 pounds.  While I am essentially the same weight I have been for a few years, I would love to be a little leaner. Thus, resolution #2.

2.  Workout 5 days a week.  I usually workout 3 times a week but I think I need a bit more now that I have entered my fabulous 40's.  Importantly, I am not delusional...I know I am not going to always be able to do a super long workout but I can certainly find 30 minutes each work day.

3.  Read 25 books this year.  I have always been a voracious reader but nowadays I spend way to much time plopped in front of the TV watching reality shows.  It's time for a breakthrough, right?

4.  Stop frivolous shopping.  I REALLY like shopping and I have an overstuffed closet to prove it.  Further, we remain in the throws of a recession so my family is counting pennies.  Therefore, I will curb purchases with the only purchases being either thrifted or gift card funded purchases.

So does this mean I pretty much failed last year...HMMM...I think there is just room for improvement.

I'm ready... LETS GO!


Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The Power of Positive Thinking.... I have my hands full.  It seems like every time I turn around there is just more bad news.  Now, I know that life will not be full of roses but man I have just been taking way too shots to the chest.  My dear friend, Davida said she admired my perseverance but it is hard to keep moving forward with an anvil on your back.  Arguably, things could always be much worse.  I am healthy.  My kids are a dream and my husband is fantastic.  Yet, I find myself with difficult circumstances.  Honestly, the one thing I hate is a person who is gloom and doom and is a jerk to everyone around them.  I refuse to be that person that takes their circumstances out on everyone else because they are struggling....  So how do I shake this...move forward somehow, right?

Well, I have done a little research about the power of positive thinking.  Remez Sasson says that "positive thinking is mental attitude that admits into the mind thought, words and images that are conductive to growth, expansion and success."  This attitude expects favorable results.  This is very similar to the bestseller The Secret.  It is almost like you are willing goodness into your life.

Now, I know not to allow the bad circumstances to paralyze me but it sure is tough to keep smiling while you are wrestling with the devil.  My faith reminds me that the devil will certainly show up when you are the most down so that just tells me that I have to have my most positive thoughts and affirmations ready.

So let's begin the power of positive thinking with a few of my favorite quotes:

No matter what comes your way, you have to believe you will see God's goodness again.  You must believe you will see God turn it around. - Joel Osteen

The happiest people in the world don't have the best of everything, they make the best of everything. - Khloe Kardashian

Believe - Rev Run

Try Harder - P Diddy

Stop worrying!!!! WTF??? (Where's The Faith)

Remember, God would never take something away from you without the intention of replacing it with something much better - Anonymous

Things fall apart so other things can come together - Kimora Lee Simmons

So here we go...  Day one of Positive Thinking...  Lets see what happens!


Sherri (With Positiveness)

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

New Year's Resolutions????

I know that a lot of people scoff at New Year's Resolutions because many of us never follow through with them or waste time on things that never work out like resolutions.  I disagree. I love new beginnings and change. I like resolutions because it allows us to start fresh again, no matter the circumstances with the hope that things can be better.  So here is my rather ambitious list of resolutions for 2012.

1.  Lose 10 pounds.  While I am essentially the same weight I have been for a few years, I would love to be a little leaner. Thus, resolution #2.

2.  Workout 5 days a week.  I usually workout 3 times a week but I think I need a bit more now that I have entered my fabulous 40's.  Importantly, I am not delusional...I know I am not going to always be able to do a super long workout but I can certainly find 30 minutes each work day.

3.  Read 25 books this year.  I have always been a voracious reader but nowadays I spend way to much time plopped in front of the TV watching reality shows.  It's time for a breakthrough, right?

4.  Stop frivolous shopping.  I REALLY like shopping and I have an overstuffed closet to prove it.  Further, we remain in the throws of a recession so my family is counting pennies.  Therefore, I will curb purchases with the only purchases being either thrifted or gift card funded purchases.

"12" is my favorite number so nothing but goodness is sure to come my way this year.  So let's get on with it and start living.  2011 was very hard for me but I told the devil to bring it on because I know that my breakthrough is coming and GOD HAS GOT THIS!

Happy New Year!